"..behaviour that makes someone feel intimidated or offended.."
Harassment is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010

Harassment and bullying both involve behaviour which harms,
intimidates, threatens, victimises, offends, degrades, humiliates or undermines
dignity at work.
Harassment tends to focus on gender, race, ethnic background, colour, religion
or belief, sexual orientation or disability. Harassment
may be a single incident or a series of incidents. Bullying is
repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect and by one
or more persons which undermines an individuals right to
Some actual examples of behaviour that is bullying or harassment:
- Offensive material that is displayed publicly
- Verbal abuse or comments that belittle people
- Unwelcome and hurtful jokes
- Direct or subtle threats
- Offensive gestures
- Ignoring, isolating or segregating a person
- Staring or leering in a sexual way
- Unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature
- Aggressive physical behaviour
- Repeated behaviour which a person has previously objected to
It is important that organisations demonstrate their intolerance of harassment and bullying in the workplace, and this should be embodied the the Company policy on harassment and bullying.